Our commitment to a sustainable world

Impact Geothermal products and services are critically important to its customers’ sustainable operations, and the global demand for increased access to affordable, clean energy amidst the energy transition.


In order to expand its ability to positively impact its internal and external constituents, Impact Geothermal will remain committed to delivering operational, financial and environmental stakeholder value. The Company regularly evaluates opportunities to achieve innovation, growth and further business scale, and employs a model of continuous organizational improvement across all facets of its business.

We are passionate about positive societal contribution, health and safety programs, and the development of future leaders with a focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion. Impact Geothermal will continue to remain culturally responsive and engage in community service by partnering with local organizations to generate social value through positive investments, organized volunteer work and charitable donations.

Impact Geothermal has established a Global ESG Committee to maintain transparency, business ethics, and diversity amongst all stakeholders with accountability and measurement of the Sustainability Strategy and the Company’s practices and policies. Further, Impact Geothermal is adopting key performance metrics tied directly to achievement of its ESG goals and objectives as part of overall compensation programs, supported by accountable leaders, business ethics, diversity throughout the organization, and promoting advocacy and audit of the Company’s targets and metrics. Through routine reporting, Impact Geothermal will track its ESG performance consistent with many of the industry-leading ESG metrics and benchmarks.

Environmental Stewardship

The pillars of our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy at Impact Geothermal, are at the core of the way that we manage our business and are baked into our DNA. As part of our daily routine, throughout our company, we strive to deliver economic value while respecting and uplifting our employees, our customers, our investors and the communities where we live and work. This is accomplished by embracing our foundational core values of integrity, motivation, persistence, accountability, customer focus, teamwork with a priority of reducing our customers emissions and CO2evoidance™.

SDG icons courtesy of United Nations, click here for more information.

Continuous, Steady Improvement & Transformation: CO2evoidance™

Embedded in our core, is the need to improve, transform & innovate. We pride ourselves in the investments that we have made in research, design and engineering that focus on delivering products that lower cost, reduce risk, increase safety and importantly, reduce carbon emissions and CO2evoidance™ for our customers.

This has been achieved through dedication and support from our talented team of technicians, engineers, and support staff, as well as our senior leadership and our Board of Directors. We will continue to drive innovation while delivering a positive impact on the environment, communities and markets that we serve.

Impact Geothermal’s core downhole tool product line, which encompasses fit-for-purpose tools that generate impact forces, controlled release, and friction reduction, coupled with software planning for decision optimization, enables the CO2evoidance of an estimated 150,000 man-hours per year for our customers globally, equivalent to 10,000-15,000 metric tons of CO2.

We relish and embrace the opportunity to support our customers with the technical and operational solutions that reduce actual emissions and participate in CO2evoidance strategies, planning and operations that meet our joint ESG objectives.

SDG icons courtesy of United Nations, click here for more information.

Dedication to Sustainability 

Our ESG foundation goes well beyond our own internal operations. As we continue to conduct our business, delivering economic value through innovating and operating products that reduce emissions and improving our own global environmental footprint, we are also devoted to our social impact in our local communities. 

We are fully committed to the long-term sustainability of our business and the environment and look forward to continuing to serve our customers, employees, stakeholders, and communities in an environmentally, socially, and ethically responsible manner.

Utilizing the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the Environmental Protection Agency’s framework for greenhouse gas inventories, Impact Geothermal has established a carbon emissions goal of maintaining Net Zero across Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions classes for the fiscal 2021 period and beyond. To accomplish this, Impact Geothermal is focusing on: (i) investing in energy-efficient technologies across its vehicles and facilities; (ii) reducing emissions from employee commuting, business travel, and freight; (iii) promoting customer and vendor accountability and transparency; and (iv) investing in carbon sequestration and offset projects that reduce greenhouse gasses in regions where Impact Geothermal operates.

Our environment, social, and governance (ESG) strategy is robust and clear. It defines the way we think and what we do. As part of Impact Selector, ESG is embedded in our culture throughout our whole organization.

At the core of our determination to deliver economic value for our customers, investors, and local communities is our focus on CO2evoidance™. Our tools have been designed to reduce carbon emissions for our customers and we will always innovate in an environmentally responsible manner.

Our sustainable development goals include:

  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Reduced inequalities
SDG icons courtesy of United Nations, click here for more information.

Learn more about our sustainable development goals and commitments here.